I am a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach with the purpose of leaving my clients feeling better than they did before meeting me!
A bit about my journey;
In my 20s: I used to be a party girl. Dancing all night, sleeping all day, fueled by copious amounts of alcohol, Red Bull and pizza.
In my 30’s: the parties changed but my lifestyle didn’t. I could drink a whole bottle of red wine to myself every night with a takeaway. And despite running for exercise, this lifestyle led me to being overweight, lacking in confidence and having no energy to the point that I overslept my alarm nearly everyday resulting in a mad dash to work looking like a disaster.
So believe me when I tell you…I know what it’s like!
I know what it’s like to;
- Feel tired all the time
- Drag yourself out of bed every morning
- Be uncomfortable in clothes and photos
- Have no energy or motivation
But I also know from experience that it doesn’t always need to be that way!
Now in my 40’s, I’m a PT and Nutrition Coach who wakes up before 5AM every day feeling energetic, strong, happy and healthy. And I feel really passionately about helping other people to get stronger and healthier just like I did. I guarantee that starting to look after yourself now will be much easier than further down the track.